The real work starts after the exhibits are over.
How to get Millennials into your Museum
By Amanda Smith Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, Flikr, Pintrest, Tumblr, YouTube and LinkedIn – all popular social media sites used predominantly by the 18-30…
How will museums of the future look?
By Claire Farbrace As a keen museum-goer, I was thrilled to move to Amsterdam and explore the wide range of museums on offer in and…
Putting a Window in The Wall
By Amanda Smith “Let’s Take Back Control”, “Make America Great Again” and make “Nederland Weer Van Ons” (“Make The Netherlands Ours Again”). In the early…
The Formula to a Great Exhibition?
What are the magic ingredients to creating a special exhibition which attracts thousands of visitors? I relate my experience of the ‘David Bowie Is…’ exhibition.
Relax….the technowizards have got this! Apocalyptic hysteria over the digital Armageddon
Whether intentional or not, Elizabeth Merritt’s blog post has left me with a sense of foreboding doom surrounding my own personal legacy.