The Midwestern state of Indiana has been in the national news in the past few days for something rather unexpected. In 2014, the FBI entered…
Portugal’s colonial denial: what are we really talking about?
This is the first of a three-part series which will delve into slavery as a narrative of the past, however with (frequently overlooked) legacies in…
Medieval knighthood in freshly painted golden armour
‘To visit the Haar Castle, whether to admire its park, its rich history, the exhibitions, gardens, deer or for a wedding, is to be immersed…
Intangible Cultural Heritage – the key to saving squatting culture?
Amsterdam’s fatal flaw Amsterdam, why are you cutting down the very branch on which you were sitting? Soon there will be no wild branches left…
Mapping the Midwest
The United States of America and the Netherlands share a long history, spanning more than 400 years. The (in-)tangible traces of this shared past can…
Beyoncé ft. The Louvre
Did y’all see the Louvre’s latest video ft. Beyonce and Jay-Z? On June 16thmy Facebook feed was -to say the least- buzzing about The Carter’s…
Somewhere over the rainbow
The term commodification seems to kill people’s vibe immediately. Throw it into any conversation and see how people roll their eyes almost instinctively at you.…
Dealing with Diversity
It looks like a trend. More and more cultural institutions, with the emphasis on art museums, want to grow a reputation which shows that they…
Can you help to stop antiquities from being looted?
The looting of antiquities has long been one of the main problems associated with the preservation of heritage. Objects that are considered to be aesthetically…
“O wheels, O gears, eternal r-r-r-r-r-r-r!” On visual culture
A visual culture, a visual conference On May 7th during the Human Rights Nights film festival for which I have been working these first months of…